Bravio - Ultimate WordPress Theme

Bravio - Ultimate WordPress Theme

Recent Reviews

Core Features List

  • Clean, Flexible & Powerful Layout Options
  • Fully Responsive
  • Intuitive & Powerful Admin Panel with 1500+ Options
  • Page / Post Custom Options
  • Every Page Fully Customizable
  • Powerful Shortcode Generator
  • Demo Content Importer
  • Menu Skins Importer / Exporter
  • Flexible Header Layouts
  • Custom templates i.e. sidebar, fullwidth, portfolio, blog etc
  • Full Header Skins Import / Export
  • Top Header Skin Import / Export
  • Side Navigation Skin Import / Export
  • Clixint Core Plugin
  • One Page Templates (Sidebar & Fullwidth) with BG Images (Parallax) & Videos
  • Custom Background with Image & Videos with Overlays, Patters and Shines
  • Portfolio Layouts (Grid, Masonry, Fullwidth, No Space etc)
    • Layout: Fullwidth, 100% Width, Sidebars, Masonry, 1 .. 5 Columns Grid, Spacing, No Spacing
    • Individual Project: Separate Page (Image Slideshows), Ajax Based Popup, Ajax Inline Project Details
  • Blog Page Styles
  • CSS Animations
  • 9 Custom Places for Injecting Content Dynamically into pages
  • Full Skin Import / Export
  • Works Perfectly with Revolution Slider
  • Google Fonts within Page Options & Shortcodes
  • Unique Boxed Layout (Overlapping Footer)
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Change logos from each page (main & sticky header)
  • RTL Support with Custom Logos
  • Advance Typography Options
  • Google Maps with cool integration of third party skins
  • Sticky Header & Sidebar
  • Add Custom CSS on the Fly
  • Set any menu as Main Navigation or Side Navigation from the page itself
  • Cross Browser Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE9, IE10, IE11+
  • Unlimited Sidebars
  • Custom Widgets (Recent Posts, Instagram etc)
  • Contact Form 7 Design Skinning with Shortcode
  • Works with WPML
  • Layout Support 1-6 Columns
  • Flexible Sidewidth Control from each page
  • Custom logos controlled through page
  • Excellent Customer Support

Page / Post Options & Settings

Page Templates

  • Fullwidth
  • 100% Width
  • Blank Page
  • Portfolio Template
  • Blog Template
  • Sidebar Template

Page Layout

  • Enable / Disable Boxed Overlapping
  • Enable / Disable One Page Template
  • Page Width
  • Body Font Family, Size, Color
  • Top / Bottom Padding
  • Background Color, Transparency, Patterns, Shines, Image, Slider, Video
  • Custom CSS
  • Blog Post Meta and Prev/Next button Settings

Featured Image / Revolution Slider

  • Content Type (Featured Images / Revolution Slider)
  • Content Position (Above main header, Behind sub-header, Above Sidebar & Post, Within Post, Above Sidenav, Below Sidenav, Over Main Navigation, Below Main Navigation
  • List of Revolution Sliders
  • Video Url (Youtube Vimeo etc)
  • Featured Image Patterns (33), Shines (23), Overlays (16) Combine All
  • Image Height (Original, Custom), Top / Bottom Margin
  • Slideshow Animation (Animate.css), Visible Slides, Slides Margin, Auto Play (Enable / Disable)

Logo Container Area

  • Hide/Show Main Logo
  • New Custom Logo
  • Logo Animations on Load (Animate.css)
  • Logo Top / Bottom Margin
  • Logo Area Container Settings
  • Container Type (Fullwidth / Boxed)
  • Background Color / Transparency/ Patterns
  • Container Top/Bottom Margin
  • Container Top / Bottom Radius
  • Container Shadows (6)
  • Logo Right Area Top/Bottom Choose (Top Nav, Social Icons, Search, Language Flags, None)
  • Logo Right Area Top Margin

Header Settings

  • Header Layouts (Logo Left Nav Right, Logo Left Nav on Bottom, Logo Top Center Nav Bottom, Logo Center Bottom Nav Top)
  • Place Extra Content (HTML / Shortcodes)
  • Extra Content Positions (Disable, Over / Under Main Nav, Above Main Header, Over / Under Side Nav, Below Sub Header, Over / Under Footer, Between Mini & Mega Footer)
  • Enable Full Height (Screen Size)
  • Full Height with Extra Content Position (Normal, Vertically Middle, Bottom)
  • Background Color, Transparency, Patterns, Shines, Overlays
  • Background Image (Enable Parallax), Video, Video Poster

Sticky Header

  • Custom Sticky Logo
  • Background Color & Transparency
  • Logo Top / Bottom Padding
  • Stikcy Header Nav Top Margin
  • Sticky Header Shadow Color

Top Header

  • Default / Show / Hide
  • Pre-designed Skins
  • Top Left/Right Area (Social Icons, Top Nav, Language Flags, Bread Crumbs, Page Title, Search Box)
  • Top Line, Height, Color
  • Top Margin
  • Background Color, Transparency, Patterns
  • Top / Bottom Color & Size
  • Left / Right Area Font Size, Color
  • Choose Which Area Visible on Mobiles

Sub Header

  • Show/Hide Sub Header
  • Sub Header Fixed Height
  • Inner Shadows
  • Sub Header Left/Right Area Content (Social Icons, Top Nav, Language Flags, Bread Crumbs, Page Title & Sub Title, Search Box)
  • Background Image, Color. Transparency, Patterns
  • Page Custom Title (Top/Bottom/Left/Right Padding)
  • Page Title Background Color, Transparency, Text Size, Color
  • Page Custom Sub Title
  • Page Sub Title Background Color, Transparency, Text Size, Color

Main Navigation

  • Show / Hide Main Navigation in main Header
  • Select Main Navigation (List all available Navigations)
  • Main Nav Pre-designed Skins (20+)
  • Sub Menu Margins
  • Menu Description (Enable / Disable)
  • Menu Icons (Enable / Disable)
  • Menu Icons Position (Top / Left)
  • Show / Hide Search Icon
  • Nav Container Settings
  • Nav Container Height
  • Nav Container Top & Bottom Margins

Page Elements

  • Bread Crumbs (Top/Bottom & Left/Right. Padding, Font Size, Text Color, Link Color, BG Color, Transparency & Radius
  • Header Search Box Settings (BG Color, Width, Radius, Text Color, Transparency, Border, Patterns)
  • Social Icons (Skins, Margins, BG Transparency, Radius, BG Over Color)


  • Position (Default, Left / Right)
  • Show Side Navigation
  • Select Navigation (Original & Lists all available menus)
  • Side Navigation Skins (8+)
  • Select Sidebar (All available Sidebars)


  • Footer Style (Reveal Hidden, Scroll with content, Sticky)
  • Enable / Disable Mega Footer

Blog Settings

  • Page Style (Fullwidth, 100% Width, Sidebar)
  • Featured Images & Slideshows


  • Page Style (Fullwidth, 100% Width, Sidebar)
  • Portfolio Style (Grid, Masonry, Grid No Space, Masonry No Space)
  • Items per page
  • Columns (2. 3. 4 & 5)
  • Filter Button Alignment (Left, Right, Center)
  • Project Open in (Separate Page, Lightbox Ajax, Inline Ajax)


May 19, 2016 – Version 1.0.2

* Fixed - Parallax effect on Safari & Chrome* Fixed - Blog Responsiveness on Mobiles* Added - Demo Pages Source Files as Text Files* Included - Individual Content XML and Widgets JSON files

May 14, 2016 – Version 1.0.1

* Feature - Revolution Slider Included* Feature - Importer Moved to Clixint Core* Feature - Added all pages source code as text files* Feature - Recent Work & Team in Shortcode Designer* Feature - Fullwidth background Particles* Fixed - Tab click Event for Chrome* Fixed - Team Shortcode Social links url

May 10, 2016 – Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

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