Update History
- 07-01-2016
-- Compatible with Wordpress Version 4.4- Compatible with WPBakery Visual Composer 4.9.1- Compatible with Woocommerce version 2.4.12<li> <strong>07-10-2015</strong><br /><pre><code>- Added option to hide Brand section- Compatibility with WPBakery Visual Composer 4.7.4- Compatibility Woocommerce version 2.4.7</code></pre></li><li> <strong>01-10-2015</strong><br /><pre><code>- Resolved issue for font change- Resolved issue for bacakground color change- Resolved admin editor width issue</code></pre></li><li> <strong>29-09-2015</strong><br /><pre><code>- Added feature: Cart2CRM plugin in package- Added feature: WooCommerce Warranty & Return System plugin in package</code></pre></li><li> <strong>27-09-2015</strong><br /><pre><code>- Initial theme release</code></pre></li>