Introducing Expresso
Expresso is a modern, colorful, and experience-rich blogging and magazine Mura theme. Expresso’s modern design complements its streamlined usability, conforming to present day browsing standards whilst maintaining the ability to appeal to a choosy audience. With a feature-packed sidebar, Expresso includes numerous out-of-the-box widgets, which are superbly useful and easily customizable.
Expresso is fully-responsive, standards compliant and easy to customize.
Top Features
- Demo Installation Package Included! – Mura Site Bundle, super-speedy, mess-free installation with sample content as shown in our live demo
- Optional standalone theme install
- Custom Class Extensions, Content Collections, and Layout Templates to proficiently organize your content
- 6 single blog post variants
- Mobile and touch-friendly swiper sliders for beautiful, user-friendly content display
- Multiple, unique header variants
- Fully-responsive, performs well on every device
- HTML5 validated, correctly-structured, well-organized files and code
- & much more to be discovered inside!
Additional Information
The images used in the demo are for preview purposes only and are therefor not included in the download package.