Almond - Minimal & Gorgeous Coming Soon Template

Almond - Minimal & Gorgeous Coming Soon Template

Almond is the most gorgeous coming soon template you’ve ever seen. Comes with beautiful motion animation, pretty fast with transform translate3d property.


It has 6 amazing backgrounds:

  1. Parallax
  2. Slideshow
  3. Youtube
  4. Particle
  5. Sun
  6. Bubble
  7. Animated Pattern
  8. More versions soon…

It is featured with great features such as:

  1. Fast Animation : Hardware Acceleration
  2. Animated Typography
  3. Keyboard Support for canceling function
  4. Beautiful Image Grid
  5. PHP + AJAX contact form
  6. Mailchimp Integration
  7. Google Maps
  8. Image + Youtube lightbox
  9. Mobile first. Tested on iOS Safari

Find online documentation here -> Documentation

Credits : Artem Sapegin for image gallery photos

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