24/09/2015 - v 1.1.3 : Fixed image lightbox on mobile devices, Fixed blog layout on tablet devices07/03/2015 - v 1.1.1 : Updated plugins (Acf, Revolution Slider), Fixed home page bug22/10/2014 - v 1.1.0 : Added WooCommerce support26/09/2014 - v 1.0.9 : Updated Revolution Slider, Fixed horizontal menu bug.24/09/2014 - v 1.0.8 : Horizontal menu now selects the parent links, Hide horizontal menu new option, Random background images new option, Slide boxes direct link new option, Fixed Firefox animations, Fixed IE ajax bug, Fixed responsive css rules, Updated Velocity.js, Fixed css colums20/08/2014 - v 1.0.7 : Fixed lightbox display on mobile devices, Fixed some Safari animations glitches, Menu links now open in a new tab if the new window option is selected, Fixed logo display on mobile devices, Added dropdown menu inheritance display, Replaced main label in the dropdown menu08/08/2014 - v 1.0.6 : Fixed bug with hashtag links, home messages now switch after a timeout with video background, the audioplayer is paused when entering a section with video background, contact form shortcode is now available in any content section31/07/2014 - v 1.0.5 : Fixed home slider bug.29/07/2014 - v 1.0.4 : New Gallery Images display mode (full screen / full screen width )Lightbox on click imageFixed Safari boxes bugHome messages only switch after a timeout when there are multiple images background15/07/2014 - v 1.0.3 : Fixed a php problem for older version, fixed gallery images view for mobile devices.02/07/2014 - v 1.0.2 : First Release
The music tracks contained in the demo are used with permission of Justin R. Durban.
Libraries, Languages used in this theme:
- jQuery
- Fitvids jQuery plugin
- LoDash
- Mobile Events
- Velocity Js
- Masonry
- Lesscss
- Advanced Custom Fields (Wp)