Hypertext - Flat Portfolio WordPress Theme

Hypertext - Flat Portfolio WordPress Theme

wordpress themes promotion mega via old item

Update History

Version 2.0 – October 9, 2015
- Fixed : Lightbox Update/Close buttons problem in WP 4.3

Version 1.9 – Sep 22nd, 2014

-  Updated : Compatible with Wordpress 4.0-  Updated : Revslider 4.6-  Fixed : Toggle Menu issue on Iphone

Version 1.8- July 1st, 2014

- Fixed : Fix Editor in Wordpress 3.9+

Version 1.7- Aprial 1st, 2014
- Added : New Revolution Slider 4.3.3- Added : New content demo files- Updated : New Search Page- Fixed : Search pagination problem- Fixed : Related Post Label in single post- Fixed : Pricing title of pricing table
Version 1.6 – November 20th, 2013
- Added : Feature Box , Feature Circle , People Profile display 2 columns when have only 2 entry- Added : Option to upload scroll logo (for only scroll header)- Added : Custom Javascript and CSS- Fixed : Accordion height issue- Fixed : Scrolling menu in iOS- Fixed : column shortcodes can add shortcodes- Fixed : fix pricing unit position and pricing buttons- Fixed : white header option of scroll header

Version 1.5 – November 5th, 2013

- Updated : Working fully with wordpress 3.7.1- Updated : New demo files- Added : Full background options for any page builder widgets!

*Update Notice: The page builde have big changes so it will break some widgets. You should make backup data of widgets then redone the broken page and it will working fine.

Version 1.4 – October 11th, 2013

- Added : Pricing Tables Shortcodes

Version 1.3 – August 29th, 2013

- Update : Working Fully with Wordpress 3.6- Added : Option White header for dark logo- Fixed : Auto relayout for portfolio page- Fixed : Text Tab of Content Editor Popup

Version 1.2 – July 24th, 2013
- Added : Option to resize the Nav Header Smaller when Scroll- Fixed : Page Heading in some Page Template

Version 1.1 – July 20th, 2013

Note : Updating will effect to the page use content box widget. Just need to re-done this page again.
- Updated : Add author bio to top page of Author Page- Added : Author Bio on Single Blog page- Added : Related articles to Single Blog Page- Added : Option to add Opacity to Nav Header- Added : Color Background Option for Content Block in Page Builder- Added : Option for Single Project Full Width- Added : White under White background Option for Widgets in Page Builder- Added : Option to display On/Off Sidebar on Mobile- Added : Option to display no Heading on Page- Added : Option Feature Name align for Feature Box in Page Builder- Fixed : Image Slides button BUGS of Post/Portfolio on Mobile

June 22th, 2013
- Added : Color Bars page

interesting to see this theme work smooth in mobile? just click “REMOVE FRAME” in the top bar.

The Hypertext is an awesome Flat Portfolio wordpress theme which brings many useful and most popular functions with Flat Design which is popular right now. It’s ideal for any corporate agency, creative studio or for personal portfolio.

It’s very flexible and powered by our Wope Framework which has advanced theme options to make your site very flexible and fully customizable. You can build dozens custom pages with our Page Builder which has many useful and popular options. You can build the page easily, and yes update is simple as how it was built.

The Hypertext also brings Revolution Slider Plugin (15$ Value) which is fully intergated. You can use Revolution Slider easily in all pages. We used Isotope (25$ Value) for our sortable portfolio.

Need Support ?

If you have questions , please ask in the item comment section. If you need support, please submit us a ticket here : Submit a Ticket


  • Flat Design
  • Fully responsive design
  • Drag and drop Unique page builder
    • 14 Powerful and useful Widgets
    • Strong Shortcodes
    • Allow use Shortcode from Plugins
  • Revolution Slider Fully Intergated
  • Valid HTML5 / CSS3
  • Filterable Portfolio With Isotobe
  • Translate Ready .po/.mo files included
  • Many Post Media Types
  • Many Portfolio Media Types
  • Extensive Theme Options
    • Main Options
    • Unlimited Sidebar Options
    • Beautiful Color Schemes Options
    • Easy Typography Options
    • Blog Options
    • Portfolio Options
    • Socials Options
  • Demo Xml file included
  • Main Features

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